jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2021


This entry and this video we have been putting them on for several years and the fact is that nicknames, insults come up again ... This short carried out by Netflix seemed to us a fabulous resource to work on in class.You often tell me that many of the discussions that arise in class are about insults, nicknames and what is worse, in many cases they do not reach harassment but that insulting becomes normal among adolescents. Each one has its name and that is what they should call us and through it we should feel identified. I invite you to watch the video and then open a debate as we suggest below.

Once the video has been viewed, we will discuss it with our students what they think and we will answer questions how:

  • Do we have nicknames in this class?
  • Do we talk to each other with insults?
  • Have we ever wondered how insulted people feel?
  • How would I react if the insult was for me?
Using words properly can help us feel happier and with greater self-esteem, it can help us live in full awareness of loving myself as I am and not getting the worst out of each one. Let's try to change the insults for words that reinforce everything beautiful and positive that we have.

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